Friday, November 5, 2010

The World Is Your Reflection

When you're surrounded by beauty, it's a little easy to recognize the beauty that's also inside.
Amplify’d from

The World Is Your Reflection When you're surrounded by beauty, it's a little easy to recognize the beauty that's also inside. The whole world is your inflection. And that beauty that you see in a natural setting like this is actually always there, even if you're surrounded by turmoil, even if you're surrounded by problems, that beauty never goes anywhere. And what you can do is simply be open to that beauty throughout your day. Notice it. It will be shining through in very not so obvious places. Like the beauty of the floor, of the wall or ceiling, or the chair you're sitting on. We miss those things because we're waiting to be in a place like this before we notice beauty. But beauty is another characteristic of the truth of who we are. So, embrace that beauty that you are.

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