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Family Diving in Palau: Part 2
When I told friends our family was traveling to Palau
this past Thanksgiving, I usually had to include a brief geography lesson as
part of the conversation. The truth is, it's not enough simply to say it is part of Micronesia,
because few people really know exactly where that is either. So to clarify, the Republic of Palau is
a small island nation in the Pacific positioned north of Papua New Guinea and
just east of the Philippines. But
the most likely reason why anyone would have even heard of Palau is because the
10th season of Survivor was
filmed there in 2005. That, or if
they're into scuba, since anyone serious about the sport knows that Palau has some of the best diving in
the world. For that reason, our
family had no problem forgoing a turkey dinner for the opportunity to visit.
After we finally figured out were Palau was on theRead more at
map, the real fun began when we had to make plans to get there. From New York, it would require about
21 hours of flying time. We ended
up hopscotching from New York to Los Angeles to Honolulu to Guam to Yap to Palau. Phew! I could write an entire post just on this journey, but
suffice it to say that with or without kids, this trip is a bear. There's not too much I can recommend
for trips like this other than suggesting you give into the fact that you'll be
tired when you finally arrive and lighter in the wallet from paying for
in-flight meals and entertainment along the way. Just remember to pack some good books and by all means, you
might want to suspend any rules you have about how much time the kids can spend
playing video games or watching TV.
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